Thursday, May 18, 2006

14th May 2006


Common Buzzard - 1
Common Tern - 1
Swallow - 1
Sand Martin - 1
House Martin - 2
Lesser Whitethroat - 1

Yet another Common Buzzard sighting for the area, this time a bird with a missing primary mobbed by a Carrion Crow over the East Reservoir. In common with most sightings so far this spring, the bird came in from the west/north-west and drifted east, and was seen between 1100 and 1400hrs (specifically 1320).

Hirudines are still moving through (although in greatly reduced numbers), with all three species recorded today. The male Lesser Whitethroat continues to hold territory in scrub near the East Reservoir, raising hopes of breeding this year. Also at the reservoirs, at least 10 singing Reed Warblers, two singing Common Whitethroats, one singing Chiffchaff, several pairs of Blackcaps and two singing Sedge Warblers are also on territory.

The hybrid Canada x Greylag Goose appears to have taken up residence in the area, moving between the reservoirs and Clissold Park. Breeding Mallards, Coots, Moorhens, Canada Geese and Great Crested Grebes have all had young out of the nest for some days, but both precariously positioned Mute Swan nests have eggs yet to hatch, and the pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls are still nest-building.

Long-tailed Tits and Song Thrushes are carrying food back to nestlings within the reservoirs perimeter, and a pair of Goldcrests are still occupying the conifer at the eastern end of the new river path.

Also recorded: Blue-tailed Damselfly