Sunday, June 25, 2006

temporary absence

'Stoke Newington Birds' will be inactive for July and August, on account of ornithological activities in Scotland and Scandinavia.

However we'll be back in early September for much of the autumn migration, and in the meantime, please scroll down the page for full summaries and photos from recent months and seasons; feel free to leave comments, and thanks for visiting.


24th June 2006

SNR (MJP) 1000-1300hrs
warm, bright. light S.

Little of note, but for 15 Common Terns hawking over the water (11 ER, 4 WR) and the expected breeding birds and juveniles (plus numerous dragonflies, damselflies and butterflies).

Small Skipper, 24th June

The pair of Lesser Black-Backed Gulls have two chicks on the raft of the ER, and the Mute Swan pair on the New River West have six well developed cygnets (although the pair on the New River East finally gave up their efforts after vandalism and disturbance).

Six-spot Burnet, 24th June

The pair of Canada Geese have three goslings, Reed and Sedge Warbler fledglings abound throughout reeds and scrub, and Coot and Moorhen young are typically well represented.

A family of Goldcrests feeding together around the ER represent perhaps the only confirmation this year of a scarce local breeding species, and Long-tailed Tits & Common Whitethroats also have young out of the nest.

Speckled Wood, 24th June

The chance of wader records remains slim due to high water levels at both reservoirs.

Small Skipper, 24th June