Walthamstow Marshes 1130-1300 (both days)
fog, cold, still (both days)
Little Owl - 1 (22nd)
Stonechat - female (both days)
Chiffchaff - 2 (21st)
Meadow Pipit - 5 (21st), 2 (22nd)
Linnet - 3 (21st), 2 (22nd)
Goldfinch - 14 (21st), 7 (22nd)
Chaffinch - 16 (22nd)
Greylag - 3 (22nd)
Little Grebe - 1 (22nd)
two late morning walks around the marsh this week in thick, Dickensian fog.... the Little Owl is one of the highlights of watching the patch so far.